Thursday, 16 January 2014

Khasiat Habbatussauda

Menguatkan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh

Habbatussauda' dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel-sel T yang baik untuk meningkatkan sel-sel pembunuh alami. Keberkesanannya hingga 72% jika dibandingkan dengan placebo hanya 7%. Dengan demikian, memakan habbatussauda’ dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Pada tahun 1993, DR. Basil Ali dengan rakan sejawatnya dari College of Medicine, Universiti King Faisal menerbitkannya dalam jurnal Pharmaseutik Saud. Kemampuan ekstrak Habbatussauda’ diakui Prof G Reitmuller, Direktor Institut Immunologi Universitas Munich, dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan dapat digunakan bioregulator. Dengan demikian, Habbatussauda’ dapat dijadikan ubat untuk penyakit yang menyerang kekebalan tubuh, seperti kanser dan AIDS.

Meningkatkan daya ingatan dan konsentrasi

Dengan kandungan asid linoleat (omega 6) dan asid linoleat (omega 3), Habbatussauda merupakan nutrisi bagi sel otak untuk meningkatkan daya ingatan dan kecerdasan. Habbatussauda’ juga memperbaiki peredaran darah ke otak dan sangat sesuai diberikan kepada anak usia kecil yang dalam pertumbuhan dan juga orang tua yang lanjut usia.

Nutrisi bagi orang tua

Kaya akan kandungan nutrisi sebagai tambahan tenaga sangat ideal untuk orang yang berusia lanjut, terutama untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh dan revitaliti sel otak agar tidak cepat nyanyuk. Habbatussauda’ mengandungi 15 jenis asid animo penyusun isi protein termasuk di dalamnya 9 asid amino esensial. Asid amino tidak dapat dihasilkan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah yang mencukupi, oleh kerana itu harus diperoleh dari makanan.

Meningkatkan bioaktiviti hormon

Hormon adalah zat aktif yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar endokrin yang masuk dalam peredaran darah. Dalam tubuh manusia terdapat pelbagai jenis hormon di ataranya hormon reproduksi yang berhubungan dengan ghairah seksual. Salah satu kandungan Habbatussauda adalah setrol yang berfungsi sebagai sintesis dan bioaktiviti hormon.

Meneutralkan racun dalam tubuh

Racun dapat menganggu metabolisme dan menurunkan fungsi organ penting seperti hati, paru-paru dan otak. Gejala ringan keracunan dapat berupa cirit birit, muntah, pening, gangguan pernafasan dan menurunkan daya konsentrasi. Habbatussauda’ mengandung saponin yang dapat meneutralkan dan membersihkan racun dalam tubuh.

Mengatasi gangguan tidur dan stress

Sapion yang terdapat pada Habbatussauda’ mempunyai fungsi seperti kortikosteroid yang dapat mempengaruhi karbohidrat, protein dan lemak serta mempengaruhi fungsi jantung, ginjal, otot tubuh dan saraf. Sapion berfungsi mempertahankan diri dari perubahan persekitaran, gangguan tidur dan dapat menghilangkan stress.

Anti histamin. Histamin adalah sebuah zat yang dilepaskan oleh jaringan tubuh yang memberikan reaksi alergi seperti pada asthma bronkial. Minyak Habbatussauda’ dapat mengisolasi dithymoquinone. Minyak ini sering disebut nigellone yang berasal dari volatile nigella. Pemberian minyak ini memberi kesan positif terhadap penderita asthma bronkial.

Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Nirmal Chakravaty MD pada tahun 1993 membuktikan kristal dari negelone memberi efek suppresive. Kristal-kristal ini dapat menghambat protemkinasi C, sebuah zat yang memicu pelepasan histamin.

Penelitian lain juga membuktikan hal serupa. Kali ini dilakukan oleh Dr. Med. Peter Schleincher, ahli immunologi Universitas Munich. Yang melakukan pengujian terhadap 600 orang yang menderita alergi. Hasilnya cukup meyakinkan, 70% penderita alergi debu, serbuk, jerawat dan asthma sembuh setelah diberi minyak nigella (Habbatussauda’). Dalam praktiknya Dr. Schleincher memberi Habbatussauda’ ke pesakitnya yang menderita influenza.

Memperbaiki saluran pencernaan dan anti-bakteria

Habbatussauda’ mengandung minyak essential dari minyak volatile yang telah diketahui manfaatnya untuk memperbaiki pencernaan. Secara tradisional minyak essential digunakan untuk obat cirit birit. Pada tahun 1992, Jurnal Farmasi Pakistan membuat hasil penelitian yang membuktikan minyak volatile lebih ampuh membunuh strain bakteria V Cholera dan E Coli berbanding antibiotik seperti ampicilin dan tetrasiklin.

Melancarkan air susu ibu

Kombinasi unsaturated fats dan struktur hormonal yang terdapat dalam minyak Habbatussauda’ dapat melancarkan air susu ibu. Penelitian ini dimuat dalam literature penelitian Universiti Potchetstroom tahun 1989.

Tambahan nutrisi pada ibu hamil dan kanak-kanak

Pada masa pertumbuhan, anak memerlukan nutrusi untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh secara natural, terutama pada musim hujan anak sangat mudah terkena selsema dan kesejukan.

Kandungan Omega 3, Omega 6 dan Omega 9 yang terdapat pada Habbatussauda’ merupakan nutrisi yang membantu perkembangan jaringan otak.

Anti-tumor dan anti-kanser

Minyak Habbatussauda’ diperkenalkan pakar kanser Immonobiologi Laboratory dari Carolina Selatan. Habbatussauda’ dapat merangsang sumsum tulang dan sel-sel kekebalan. Interferonnya menghasilkan sel-sel normal terhadap virus yang merosak sekaligus memusnahkan sel-sel tumor dan meningkatkan antibodi.

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Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Nigella Sativa (Habbatussauda) a Natural Cure for Diabetes

Nigella sativa has been used for more than 2000 years for a wide array of diseases including diabetes, cancer, MS, Alzheimer's disease and even migraines.  Originally it was used for allergies, asthma and migraines, but as the world began to discover its many wonderful qualities, studies and research projects spread.  In the last 40 years there has been more than 450 studies done on this miraculous black seed.

People diagnosed with diabetes spend an average of 2.3 times more money on health care than people without diabetes. More and more are looking for natural alternatives to live longer and be healthier.  Nigella sativa has been proven through many studies to reverse diabetes symptoms in as little as a few months with minimal costs. 

What is Nigella Sativa?

Nigella sativa, a much neglected herb, is considered to have great healing properties.  Nigella sativa strengthens the immune system and fights pancreatic cancer and other cancers.  It purifies the blood and increases longevity.   Black seeds are also used in many delicious recipes.

Nigella sativa (black seeds), an annual flowering plant that grows to 20-30 cm tall, is native to Asia and the Middle East. Black seeds were found in King Tut's tomb, proving the value of this herb to the Kings.

The name Nigella sativa comes from the Latin word, nigellus, meaning black. Nigella sativa comprises of small black seeds that have a slightly rough texture and an oily interior.

Excerpt from
 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Black Seeds

Important Studies on Nigella Sativa and Diabetes

Nigella sativa has been shown to be effective against diabetes 2 in many studies.  

•In 2002 at the Gifu University, Japan, researchers concluded that black seed may be of significant value to sufferers of Diabetes 2.
•In1991 at the Kuwait University, the same conclusion was made for diabetes 2 where the patient was not insulin dependent.
•In 2003 there were three different faculties in Van, Turkey where black seed was tested on diabetic rabbits and the results showed that the sugar level was lowered and brought back to normal.
•Again In 2004 at the Faculty of Medicine, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey they studied the effects of Nigella sativa on diabetic rats. The conclusion was the same as all other tests above.

Again Nigella Sativa Tested Satisfactorily in 2010 and 2011

In 2010 at
 Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia showed an improved glycemic control in diabetic patients with type 2 Diabetes. This study tested 1, 2, and 3 grams of Nigella seeds combined with diabetic medicine.  There were 94 patients studied for a period of 3 months and the end results showed that patients who took 2 grams of Nigella sativa seeds in capsule form had the highest success rate. Although patients who took 1 gram and 3 grams showed improvement, the 2 gram study provided the highest results, thus proving that taking more is not necessary.

The authors concluded that:
"The results of this study indicate that a dose of 2 gm/ day of Nigella sativa might be a beneficial adjuvant to oral hypoglycemic agents in type 2 diabetic patients."

Yet another study in April of  2011 at
 Department of Pharmacology and Montreal Diabetes Research Center, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada. showed that Nigella sativa’s anti-diabetic effect appeared to be rooted in the ability of the seed to improve insulin sensitivity.

Dosage Requirements for Treating Diabetes

In both studies 2 grams of Nigella sativa seeds were used to the highest possibility.  Two grams of seeds is equal to 2 to 3 capsules of ground seeds.  The seeds need to be heated and then ground. The heated and ground seeds were not mixed with any ingredient, such as honey which is suggested in cancer therapies.  The seeds were taken in capsule form.  It is always best to look for vegetarian or halal capsules, avoiding all pork residue type gelatin capsules.

The oil of the Nigella sativa seed can be used if desired. The oil is 2 1/2 times stronger than the seed, so a minimal amount is needed.  Look for only true Nigella sativa to be sure of its potent effect.  The oil is not heated and must be taken on an empty stomach, unlike many companies currently recommend.  If you are taking the oil, it is best to take the oil in capsule form or straight from the bottle, as honey is still a form of sugar.  

Nigella sativa can be taken in conjunction with prescribed diabetic medicine, but in order to be effective, you must follow a prescribed diabetic diet.  Many people have had great success on a low carb diet, such as Drew Carey or recently one woman reversed her symptoms in only 10 days on a vegan diet.  Nigella sativa helps to regulate the blood and keep your levels at a normal range.


This protocol for diabetes is very simple: Take 2 to 3 capsules of heated, ground organic Nigella sativa seeds (or 2 capsules of Nigella sativa oil) once a day, along with some fig leaf tea.  Eat a healthy diet void of all sugars, complex carbohydrates and juices.   At the end of your trial period stay on a maintenance program with the black seeds and reduce the amount of herbal fig tea you are drinking to once a week instead of daily.

Cold pressed black cumin (habbatus sauda) oil (strong and pure oil)
SMS/WhatsApp/LINE/Viber: 0105164318 / 0105264318

Research: Nigella sativa seed extract reduces hypertension

(NaturalNews) The seed of a traditional Middle Eastern medicinal plant known by the species name Nigella sativa has been shown to help lower blood pressure, among a plethora of other medicinal benefits.

Traditionally used as a spice and preservative as well as for its medicinal functions, Nigella sativa is also known by the names black seed, black cumin and fennel flower.

The study demonstrating Nigella sativa's benefits in managing high blood pressure was conducted by researchers from the Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences in Iran and published in the journal Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology in 2008. In the randomized, double-blind study, participants suffering from mild hypertension (high blood pressure) were assigned to take either a placebo, 100 mg of Nigella sativa extract, or 200 mg of the extract twice per day. After eight weeks, the researchers found that both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly lowered in participants taking the Nigella sativa extract, compared both with levels at the study's start and in the placebo group. A higher dose was found to result in a greater decrease in blood pressure.

Participants in the Nigella sativa groups also experienced significant reductions in levels of overall and LDL ("bad") cholesterol relative to the study's start and to the placebo group. No complications were observed.

Other benefits of Nigella sativa

Overall, 458 separate peer-reviewed studies on the effects of Nigella sativa have been published since 1964. According to, these studies have confirmed the seed's benefits as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-ulcer. It also protects the kidneys and increases insulin sensitivity (thereby helping fight diabetes).

Nigella sativa has also been shown to act as a potent pain reliever to help treat type 2 diabetes; to aid recovery from narcotic drug addiction; to prevent epileptic seizures; and even to protect against chemical weapons exposure.

Studies have also shown that Nigella sativa is a potent tool in managing allergies and asthma. A 2003 research review published in Phytotherapy Research found that in four separate studies, Nigella sativa led to improvement in the symptoms of allergies including hay fever, eczema and asthma, while also improving levels of triglycerides and HDL ("good") cholesterol.

Another study, published in Phytomedicine in 2010, found that Nigella sativa improved symptoms in asthma patients by acting directly to dilate the bronchial tubes, much like conventional asthma drugs do. According to a 2011 study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Nigella sativa also appears to dampen the hyper-responsiveness of the immune system that leads to asthma attacks, reducing the activity of white blood cells and inflammatory triggers.

Finally, the seed also has incredibly potent anti-cancer properties, in fact, and has been shown to stimulate the activity of cancer-fighting white blood cells known as neutrophil granulocytes. Studies have confirmed that regular ingestion of Nigella sativa seed or seed oil can help prevent the growth and spread of carcinogenic colon cells, and other studies have demonstrated its benefit in fighting other cancers.

Home use

According to Drug Information Online, Nigella sativa is non-toxic and safe for the majority of the population, although some people have experienced adverse reactions to applying of the seed oil directly to their skin. As with any supplement, you should check with your physician before beginning treatment with Nigella sativa, which may interact adversely with certain pharmaceutical drugs.

Nigella sativa has a spicy, nutty flavor and has traditionally been added directly to food in whole or ground form. You can also grind it up and mix it with water to create a drinkable gel, which can also be used as an egg replacement in baking.

Sources for this article include:]

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Nigella Sativa (Habbatussauda) Sends Relief to Millions of Migraine Sufferers

(NaturalNews) If you have ever woken with a pounding headache or an excruciating migraine, then Nigella Sativa is right for you. The Greeks and the Arabs have been prescribing Nigella Sativa for over 2000 years in the treatment of headaches and it works quickly and efficiently. By simply applying the oil around the eyes and nose, the headache usually disappears within a short period of time. Nigella Sativa (also known as black seed) has been shown to be effective against Pancreatic Cancer, one of the most aggressive cancers known.

Nigella Sativa has over 100 chemical compounds and has Vitamins such as calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium and Vitamins A, B, C, D and E in the seeds. Prophet Mohammad said, "Use this seed regularly, because it is a cure for every disease, except death." Nigella Sativa has been regarded as a true "Miracle Cure" and was found in King Tut's tomb, suggesting that even centuries ago, the Kings thought of it as a valuable plant and herb of blessings.

As soon as the person gets the first sign of an attack, they must take their first dose of Nigella Sativa. Nigella Sativa comes two ways, in the original small tiny black seeds(that need to be heated) and the oils. The oil is what is needed for the migraine, as the oil is very concentrated. For migraines, you need to take the oil and rub it on the back of your neck and over the eyes and at the hairline. Also, if you have pain at the top of your head, dab some there. Then take a few drops and put in each nostril, not deep inside but at the bottom of the nostril, and then breathe in deeply. This needs to be done 3 times a day or as long as the headache remains. You also need to take 1 teaspoon of the oil with one teaspoon of honey when you wake up in the morning. Wait one hour before eating anything for breakfast.

It is best to use raw honey if you have that available in your area. This remedy must be done on the onset of the migraine. It will help a full blown attack, but it is easier to get rid of in the beginning stages. Also, it is very important to avoid all triggers during this period. Nigella Sativa seeds are fairly inexpensive and can be obtained from many sources but many companies do not have the same quality.

If you buy the organic seeds that have not been prepared, you must heat them to get rid of the bitterness and the hotness. This is a very simple procedure, but you must take precautions and do a small amount at a time, till you understand the process completely. Take a small portion of the seeds and place them in a heavy bottom skillet. Turn the gas or electric burner on low and heat slightly, stirring constantly. You must keep tasting them until the hotness is gone. When the seeds are very bland, remove them from the stove. Be careful not to burn them as they do burn easily. After they have finished, place them in a coffee grinder or blender and mulch to a very fine powder. This powder can be put in honey at this time or in vegetarian capsules. Always use vegetarian capsules, as gelatin is made from pork.

To make the mixture with honey, fill the jar halfway up with honey and then begin adding small amount of the black seed mixture at a time. Keep stirring the honey and black seeds and add till the top is almost full. You want the mixture to be a very thick consistency. By the next day, the honey and black seed mixture will be thick, almost like candy - extremely delicious. You will have no problem eating your minimum of 2 teaspoons per day.

Note: Nigella Sativa is toxic in high doses, so moderation is the key here. Nigella Sativa will increase your energy and take away your fatigue. Never take the oil on a full stomach as it will cause you distress.
Cold pressed black cumin (habbatus sauda) oil (strong and pure oil)
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About the author
Barbi Trejo is a natural hygiene foodist and loves the medicine of the earth. After being diagnosed with MS and early onset dementia last year, she cured herself using herbs and juicing from the earth. She now spends her time helping others.
Barbi Trejo lives in Jordan with her cat, Baby. Barbi is writes for Suite101, Break Studios and Associated Content. She moderates four forums and six blogs in her spare time.
Barbi has just released her first eBook entitled, "Everything You Would Ever Want to Know About Black Seeds (Nigella sativa) and more. It can be seen at

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Black cumin oil is the most important oil you can put in your system

Cold pressed black cumin (habbatus sauda) oil (strong and pure oil)
(NaturalNews) According to Dr. Gary Null of the Progressive Radio Network (, "Black cumin oil is probably the single most important oil you can put in your system. Every time you take black cumin you are stimulating your immune system to fight on your behalf and increase natural killer cells." Null was referring to its ability to improve the immune system, treat cancer and HIV successfully. No truer words were ever spoken. Black cumin is also known as Nigella sativa, black seeds and kalonji and has been healing maladies of the body for more than 2,000 years.

Although black cumin has been used for centuries, only during the last 40 years has the true potential of this remedy been realized. Originally, black cumin was used mainly for migraines, asthma and allergies. It has now been shown to be successful in stimulating the immune system, treating HIV and healing cancer tumors. These are three of the most worrisome problems people are faced with today, except for heart disease which black cumin has been shown to treat also.

Black cumin is a viable option for immunity and auto-immune diseases

When you look at the broad term "immunity," auto-immune diseases should also be included. These little black seeds have shown to improve the immune system by 72 percent in as few as four weeks. Two studies were done in 1987 at the I.I.M.E.R. in Panama City, Florida to verify the immune building effects of black cumin. The volunteer groups were given one gram of black cumin twice a day or a placebo. After four weeks, the end results showed a 72 percent increase in T-cell ratios and cell functional activity in most participants.

Black cumin is now a viable option to treat and/or heal people afflicted with auto-immune diseases which are a leading cause of death and disability for many. In 2010, there were approximately 23.5 million Americans afflicted with auto-immune diseases which include more than 80 serious diseases. Some of the types are rare and some quite common like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Celiac disease and Crohn's disease.

Still, black cumin heals more than just auto-immune diseases such as cancer, diabetes, baldness, asthma and migraines. It eliminates parasites and even helps with menstrual blood flow.

Black cumin annihilates pancreatic cancer tumors

Dr. Hwyda Arafat at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson conducted several studies using Nigella sativa (black cumin) to treat pancreatic cancer. The results were astounding with an 80 percent cancer tumor cell death. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in America with an overall 4.6 percent survival rate over a five-year period. Dr. Arafat went on to say, "Nigella sativa helps treat a broad array of diseases, including some immune and inflammatory disorders. Previous studies also have shown anticancer activity in prostate and colon cancers, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects."

How to take black cumin and dosage requirements

It is imperative to purchase organic, cold pressed oil that is free of additives. To improve your immune system, take one teaspoon (or 2 capsules) daily mixed with raw honey or fresh juice one hour before breakfast. For cancer, take three teaspoons daily in divided doses combined with a healthy cancer diet and exercise program. Both immune problems and cancer are treated with the addition of fresh garlic. Black cumin should be taken daily as a preventative measure for all diseases.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Samantha Davis is an author, freelance writer and avid supporter of natural healing. She has written 10 books on various subjects and is a specialist on the subject of Nigella Sativa, black cumin and black seeds. Check out her website and

Thursday, 2 January 2014


Bersama ini dibawakan kenyataan para ilmuwan dan para doktor mengenai habbatus sauda setelah dilakukan penelitian secara empirikal dan klinikal;

Ibnu Sina – Habbatussauda merangsang tenaga dan membantu memulihkan kepenatan dan semangat. (Buku Ibnu Sina “Canon of Medicines”)

Ibnu Qayyim – Habbatussauda dapat membantu memulihkan penyakit seperti batuk, “bronchitis”, masalah perut, cacing, masalah kulit seperti jerawat, sakit senggugut dan haid, menambah aliran air liur dan sebagainya. (Buku Ibnu Qayyim “Medicine of the Prophet”)

Dr Ahmad Elkadi membuat kajian dan mendapati bahwa Habbatussauda dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh (sistem imunisasi). Kandungan Habbatussauda ialah Fixed Oil (saturated dan unsaturated), Minyak-minyak Asas (sterol, thymohydroquinone, carvone, limonine, cymene), Alkaloids, Saponin dan Asid Amino.

Professor G. Rietmuller – Bahan ekstrak Habbatussauda menunjukkan kesan amat positif terhadap sistem immunisasi badan dan boleh digunakan sebagai “bio-regulator’. (Professor G. Rietmuller, Director of Institute of Immunology, University of Munich, Germany)

Dr. Ahmad El-Qadi (Islamabad, Pakistan) dan Dr. Usama Qandil (Florida, USA) mendapati pengambilan 1 gram Habbatussauda sebanyak dua kali sehari mempunyai kesan peningkatan yang mengagumkan terhadap fungsi immuniti badan. Penemuan ini dianggap penting untuk memungkinkan penggunaan Habbatus Sauda sebagai bahan peningkat immuniti semula jadi badan untuk rawatan kanser, AIDS dan penyakit-penyakit yang lain berkaitan kekurangan immuniti badan.

Kajian oleh Dr. Haq terhadap sukarelawan penghidap AIDS di Department of Biological and Medical Research Centre, Riyadh menunjukkan bahawa Habbatussauda berupaya meningkatkan kadar di antara ‘helper T-cells’ dan ’suppresser T-cells’ sebanyak 55%. Aktiviti ‘natural killer cells’ juga menunjukkan peningkatan purata sebanyak 30%.

Dr. Peter Schleicher, seorang pakar immunisasi (immunologist) di Munich mendapati Habbatussauda berhasil menyembuhkan sebanyak 420 orang dari 600 orang sukarelawan penghidap allergik. Kebanyakan pesakit ini mengidap allergik terhadap ‘pollen’ dan habuk, jerawat dan saraf kulit, serta memiliki daya tahan tubuh yang lemah. (Dr. Peter Schleicher telah dipilih sebagai ahli paling muda di World Academy of Scientist)

Penyelidik Amerika menulis laporan pertama di dunia mengenai kesan ‘anti-tumor’ yang ditunjukkan oleh Habbatussauda. (”Study of the Effects of Nigella Sativa on Humans”)

Professor Michael Meurer – Habbatussauda berupaya menghentikan ‘inflammations’ dan masalah saraf kulit (neurodermitis) (Professor Michael Meurer, Dermatology Clinic of Munich, Germany)

Ilmuwan di Cancer and Immuno-Biological Laboratory of Germany mengesahkan Habbatussauda berupaya merangsang ‘bone marrow’ dan sel-sel immuniti, meningkatkan penghasilan ‘interferon’ dan mempertahankan sel-sel biasa terhadap kesan kemusnahan sel oleh virus. Habbatussauda juga berupaya memusnahkan sel-sel tumor dan meningkatkan bilangan antibodi yang menghasilkan “B cells”.

“ Habbatus Sauda’ memiliki peranan penting dalam pencegahan tumor & kanser. Penggunaan dalam waktu yang lama minyak Habbatus sauda’ memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu dapat mempercepatkan pembelahan sel ”. Dr. Stanley Kopok, University of Arizona, USA

“ Habbatus sauda kaya beta-sitosterol, yang diketahui memiliki kemampuan mencegah kanser”.
Dr. Michael Tierra L. AC. O.M.D.

” Dengan mengkonsumsi Nigella Sativa (habbatussauda) dapat melawan kelelahan ”.
Dr. Mohammed Saleh, Kairo-Mesir

” Ekstrak habbatus sauda memiliki khasiat anti-tumor tanpa kesan sampingan seperti apa yang terjadi pada Chemotherapi dan penyinaran”.
Study of Nigella sativa on humans, University of South Carolina. USA

“ Habbatus sauda mempunyai lebih 100 bahan aktif dengan berbagai khasiat penyembuhan. Salah satunya adalah impotensi.”
Black Cumin, The Magical Egyptian Herb, Dr. Peter Schleicher, M. D.
Dr.Mohammed Saleh, M.D., Egypt

“ Habbatus sauda’ terbukti memiliki khasiat anti-histamin, anti-oxidant, anti-biotic, anti -mycotic dan penghalang Bronchitis”.
Study of Black Seed Oil on Humans, American Scientists

“ Kombinasi kandungan lipid dan struktur hormon dalam Nigella Sativa dapat meningkatkan air susu bagi ibu menyusui”
University Pochefstroom

” Terapi baru yang efektif, mudah dicerna dan tidak mahal pada penyakit alergi adalah penggunaan  unsaturated fatty acid dari minyak biji tanaman, terutama minyak Nigella Sativa (Habbatus sauda)”.
Dr. Lutz Bannasch, München – Jerman

” Nigella Sativa (Habbatus sauda mengandungi minyak eter yang dapat membantu pencernaan & mengurangkan masalah usus ”.
Prof. Dr. Hildebert Wagner, Institut fur Pharmazeutische Biologie, München – Jerman

” Meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh ”.
US. Patents Section, Antiviral Agents Bulletin # 5, 482, 711

” Habbatus sauda’ merangsang sumsum di tulang & imuniti sel serta pengeluaran terferon, melindungi sel-sel normal melawan virus perosak sel, melawan sel tumor, dan meningkatkan antibodi yang mengeluarkan sel B”.
Cancer Immuno-biology, South Carolina

” Habbatus sauda’ terbukti menyembuhkan 70 % penghidap alergi, termasuk di dalamnya alergi serbuk dan debu juga jerawat, serta neurodermitis ( penyakit kulit), asthma dan lemahnya daya kekebalan tubuh. Mengambil habbatus sauda’ secara teratur dapat menahan secara baik penyakit selsema ”.
Dr. Peter Schleicher, Immunologie, München-Jerman

Kajian Ilmiah Tentang Fungsi Habbatussauda

Laporan ilmiah menunjukkan Habbatussauda memiliki kemampuan ajaib dalam mengubati penyakit.

1.            Meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh
~ US Patents Sections, Antirival Agents Bulletin #5,482,711

2.            Merangsang sumsum di tulang dan imuniti sel serta penghasilan interferon, melindungi sel-sel normal melawan virus perosak sel, melawan sel tumor dan meningkatkan jumlah antibodi yang menghasilkan sel B.
~ Cancer Immuno-biology Laboratory, South Carolina

3.            Mengandungi unsaturated fatty acid, contohnya Linoleic dan asid Gammalinolen yang masuk dalam tubuh. Asid ini memungkinkan untuk pencapaian sistesis yang merupakan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang penting, yang meregulasi subtans-subtans yang merupakan turunan dari prostaglandin E1, asid Linoleic menstabilkan membran sel dan Prostaglandin memiliki efek mencegah radang. Hal ini menghentikan reaksi kekebalan tubuh yang menyebabkan penyakit kronik seperti jerawat dan demam kerana alergi hingga dapat menyebabkan kanser.

4.            Memiliki efek anti histamin, anti-oxidant, anti-biotic, anti-mycotic dan pencegah bronchitis.
~ Study of Oil Black Seed on Humans, American Scientists

5.            Habbatussauda benar-benar herba ampuh yang telah dipakai selama lebih 3000 tahun. Mengandungi lebih 100 kandungan penting. Habbatussauda adalah sumber yang penting untuk Asid Lemak Esensial, protein, karbohidrat, dan vitamin serta mineral. “Habbatus sauda juga kaya dengan sterol, terutama beta – sitosterol, yang dikenal memiliki kemampuan mencegah kanser”.
~ Dr. Michael Tierra L.A.C.O.M.D.

6.            Hasil ujian Habbatussauda membuktikan ia dapat dipakai untuk menyembuhkan banyak penyakit.
~ Pharmaceutical newspaper, Wissenschaftlicher Text

7.            Habbatussauda merupakan sumber penting protein, carbohydrates, Asid Lemak Esensial, vitamin A, B1, B2, C dan Niacin juga mineral, seperti calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, magnesium dan zinc.
~ Phytochemichals of Nigella sativa seeds. Food Chemistry

8.            Abdel, F.A.F.M.K. Matsumoto, et al. (2000). Antinociceptive effects of Nigella sativa oil (minyak habbatussauda) and its major component, thymoquinone, in mice. European Journal of Pharmacology. [print] 400(1):89-97. Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2630 Sugitani, Toyama, 930-0194, Japan.

9.            Akova, A. and G. Ustun (2000). Activity and adsorption of lipase from Nigella sativa (habbatussauda) seeds on Celite at different pH vaues. Biotechnology Letters. March 22(5): 355-359. Chemical Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, 80626, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey.

10.          Badary, O.A.N.A.B. Abdel, et al. (2000). The influence of thymoquinone on doxorubicin-induced hyperlipidemic nephropathy in rats. Toxicology. March 143(3): 219, 226. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.